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Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa Season 1 Episode 32

Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa nos explica el significado DE cuando nos dice que: "Somos vida en expansión… No somos dueños de la vida"... Describe lo ESENCIAL en cada uno de nosotros…Acompañándonos a comprender que nada nos pertenece en esta ilusión, para que podamos identificar lo que es perecedero, limitado y que solo es producto de esta realidad psicofísica.

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I always tend to say that "We are life in expansion, but we are not the owners of life..." what does it mean? When I talk about property, the owner, the need to belong, I am always pointing to the EGO, even I did not name it, ok?  When I say that we are life in expansion, it means that WHAT LIVES US, IT IS WHAT IS ESSENTIAL in each one of us, but we are not owners of life, it is the EGO, which is perishable like this body and like this mind, which is the product of this psychophysical reality and which is as perishable as it is, is that understood my love?
  So we are life in expansion, WE ARE LIFE IN EXPANSION, but we are not the owners of life, is it clearer now? Then nothing that happens in this reality really belongs to us, even this body, no matter how much my mind is trying to possess something in this reality is impossible, how long are we going to be able to sustain it as part of one?... when that life ends, everything ends, it will be a matter of time before even the memories about you end, unless you have done something that has resonated a lot in society and has brought a lot of value to other beings. Something of you is perpetuated in that something that remains for humanity, but apart from that, it is a matter of time before even the memories about you end, alright? That is the reality, imagine how perishable we are, and how valuable is the life that chooses us second by second and how important are our steps so that it continues choosing it, so that life that chooses us without fear of living continues choosing these steps, beyond how limited we are as humans, right? Is this understood? So in life we come with a superpower that is to feel, to feel emotions and sensations and I also always aim and "use" to say, because that is how I live it: that emotions are the real internal teachers, it is the internal teacher, feeling, so much emotions as sensations and that if one is open to living them until they are completely consumed, one learns, really learns, is that good?... IT IS VERY BEAUTIFUL, BEYOND THE FORM.