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Ninguna relación afuera es más importante que tu relación con vos mismo

Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa Season 1 Episode 29

Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa nos habla acerca de las relaciones y cómo identificar si estamos o no, en una que realmente nos suma. Nos da el parametro justo para que podamos observar y comprender que ninguna relación vale la pena, si la misma implica en que tengas que anularte y dejar de ser quien Sos

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So, if you want to know if you're with the person, look if you need to stop being who you are to be with him, if you need to de-personify to be with him, it's not the person. Since when what you are doesn't hurt you or anyone, you don't have to stop being who you are to be with anyone, no external relationship is more important than your relationship with yourself, okay? So no relationship outside is worth it if you have to cancel yourself, if you have to stop being for the other to be, without even realizing that you know who you are, it's not worth it, so find out if what you are hurts you in the short or in the long run, or it can hurt in the short or in the long run, to your environment, or to anyone who is with you. If it is NO, if what you are is beneficial for you and for others, do not let anything and anyone other than understanding itself and the genuine need to do or not do something, guide you. Stop, look at yourself, respect yourself...you have to respect others, but without disrespecting yourself, if they don't love you the way you are, it doesn't help if they love you, so keep that in mind my loves, remember: SINCE WHEN ALWAYS THAT WHAT YOU ARE DOES NOT HURT YOU OR ANYONE, do not lose yourself EVER!
And they will NEVER be able to be happy with anyone, if they have to lose themselves, then being happy with a person who depersonifies you, that is utopia, that more than utopia is hell itself, THAT IS HELL!