TATri Vidya ®

Comprender cómo nos manejamos para enfrentar las diferentes situaciones de la Vida: ESO ES SER EMPODERADO

Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa Season 1 Episode 28

Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa nos habla de la importancia de tener en claro que nosotros SOMOS SERES QUIMICOS, y desde esta premisa, podamos comprender cómo manejarnos para enfrentar las diferentes situaciones de la vida, tanto lo que nos paraliza, como lo que nos hace ir hacia adelante, destacando desde este lugar, LA IMPORTANCIA DE ELEGIR DÓNDE ENFOCAMOS NUESTRA ATENCIÓN, lo que MATAJI considera como el verdadero EMPODERAMIENTO.

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Remember that we are chemical beings, ok?  WE ARE CHEMICAL BEINGS! Our responses are chemical, okay? So since we are chemical beings, everything that our brain perceives from our cognition, that becomes an endogenous chemical that makes us generate things internally. So what am I indicating? That you keep in mind what is heavy, what is disturbing, what we see as negative but I focus, without denying the negative, on what pushes me forward, on what?... I do the practice, I'm going to read a book, I cling to a philosophy that does not burden me, that empties me more than burdens me, is that okay? and I keep walking, I don't allow my path to stop, I don't give space for obsessive, compulsive thoughts that paralyze me, because the mind usually does it, what does the mind do? The mind automatically grabs the experiences of the past, and it puts here in the present things as: fear, as anxiety, as catastrophic thoughts, do you understand?
  So one has to be, that IS BEING EMPOWERED, inhale deeply, verify the life that you are, become aware of the present moment and bring the two possibilities and I chose to focus on the one that makes you move forward, and not on the one that pulls you to down, understand? "Oh! but am I going to deny the one that pulls me down?"  NO! I'M GOING TO GAIN RESISTANCE, so I can later face it, okay? Because what is happening there? When I take into account what brings me down but I choose to focus and work on what makes me go forward, I am RECOVERING ENERGY, I am recovering my resistance, I am growing in the face of what I think it's a problem, is my love understood? So with that later, I'm going to look at him and when I see that he's sufficiently under my control or under my management, I'm going to go towards him, like a rampaging bull, you saw ? In order not to waste time, but before I have that visibility that this is nothing, that it is very small in front of me, I have to get closer to what pushes me forward, as long as I look at the problem and see it as very big, I have to keep looking for energy, but without denying the problem, okay? AND REMEMBER: that when one learns the most is when one decides to face what weighs him down, while you evade the confrontation, of the things that weigh you down, YOU DO NOT GROW ENOUGH to move on to the next path, to the next step, OBSERVE in their own stories beyond what I'm talking about here, that what I'm talking about doesn't suggest them, okay? Observe your own stories, your own experiences, observe when you learned the most, really, at an experiential level I am speaking, because what I propose here is EXPERIENCE, it is good to read it, it is good to study it, THIS IS EXCELLENT!, in fact I have many formations, okay? so for me science is very important, and science, and what is spirituality in how I live spirituality, walk hand in hand, you understand?... But it is very important that they open up to experience, because The experience itself is what makes you STRONG, the knowledge fills you with concepts, but the EXPERIENCE, the putting into PRACTICE of what you learned, at the level of theoretical information, THAT MAKES YOU SECURE, that makes you STRONG! PRACTICE makes you strong, do you understand?