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Estar solo, ES NECESARIO

Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa Season 1 Episode 24

Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa, nos habla acerca de la soledad, la diferencia entre el "estar solos", y sentirnos solos. Nos da herramientas que podemos usar ante esta sensación de "no poder estar con nosotros mismos", explicando la importancia que esta condición de "estar solo" tiene para el procesamiento y elaboración de nuestras emociones.

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Loneliness is an emotion, it should not be confused with the state of "being alone",  with the condition of being alone, being alone is necessary at some point in life,  at some stage, in some fact, it is It is important to be alone, okay? Why? Because it is the moment of self-listening, of processing, of elaboration: like the time of boredom that I suggest, you see? So being alone favors that, but feeling loneliness is something else, when you feel loneliness to the point of not being able to be with yourself, in an empty, quiet place, you have to seek practices, psychophysical practices to be stable as well? Seek to do things that you like, but not be desperately seeking for a connection with third parties, only to cover the historical pains that do not allow you to be alone. Do you understand? Try to practice psychophysical techniques, meditation, breathing, relaxation, and face your darkness, do a little more each day, embrace yourself today, embrace your darkness today so that tomorrow you can shine a little more than yesterday, and being alone gives you that possibility.
"OH! But I can not do the same accompanied?"  Yes, you can, because we really are NEVER alone! We are all together, but we were born separated in that illusion, why? Because we need that too, we are connected, no soul can evolve alone, but we need that time to be alone to process the human experience, the pains, the pleasures, the achievements, the losses, everything! One processes there, being alone, but in solitude you need practice to realize that you are NEVER alone, even, even if there is no one physically with you at that present moment, all those that have happened in your life, have remained in you , all That you have been laughing and crying, NOBODY CAN TAKE IT FROM YOU!, So enjoy being alone and listen to yourself, LISTEN, FEEL yourself, try to transcend that feeling of loneliness that only clouds the possibility of seeing you and embrace you beyond form".