TATri Vidya ®

¿Podemos mejorar vida tras vida?

Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa

Mataji, Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa nos habla acerca de las posibilidades que tenemos de mejorar, incluso en esta vida presente, mediante la observación de nuestros pasos, estando abiertos a aprender de ellos, y nos invita a comprender la importancia de honrar la vida que somos: y mientras ella nos elige, que no detengamos nuestro paso, jamás!

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Can we improve life after life?

And we don’t improve because we have to improve, we improve, inevitably we improve and not only from one life to another, within that same life that we are in now, we can still do a lot of things, it is enough to be, it is enough to watch your steps, enough be ready and open to learn from them!, beyond the form. I usually say that nobody, nobody says that it has to be easy to be possible, nobody! So why does the mind believe these things? hmm? What has to be easy to be possible? So train yourself, or minimally contemplate how capable you are internally, that spirit that gives you life second by second, is the one who says that you are on the path, beyond form, so walk, keep walking! Be free with responsibility, and don't stop your step because of anyone's criticism, keep walking, don't look back, because all that you would have to learn from your past, you already have it, you don't even need to look back, the tools are here, honor your life! Honor your present, do not allow yourself to stop, no!, due to the misunderstanding of the other, due to the ignorance of others, due to the ignorance of your own beliefs, do not stop your steps, never! While there is life there is possibility, that is the most sacred thing there is - the present moment, honor it, verify the life that you are and keep walking.