TATri Vidya ®

El Real Propósito de las Sectas (Religari)

Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa Season 1 Episode 20

Mataji, Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa nos habla acerca de poder comprender que más allá de la nomenclatura, tradición o teoría, todo lo que nos conecte con la divinidad que nos vive, que es dios: es divino y es válido, más allá de la forma que esto tenga, y nos transmite también la importancia de estar atentos para observar que aquello que nos lleva a tener más juicio hacia nosotros mismos y hacía los demás, ése,  definitivamente, no es el camino.

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All the sects, all the spiritual organizations that really join the society, right, without trying to possess anyone's mind or that no one needs to be possessed in it, and that really have the purpose of religari, to connect the person with the divinity that lives them, which is GOD, beyond form and beyond nomenclatures, tradition or theory, I feel that it is: DIVINE, all of them, because the most important thing is not the denomination, because those who worship GOD are the devotees of GOD, there is no worship without a devotee, then you who are DEVOTEES OF GOD regardless of the creed you have, keep in mind, that you can follow GOD and serve GOD through any kind of way, the important thing is the truth that sustains your devotion, your devotional action, so if you are a Christian, that you are a Catholic-evangelist, that you are a Hindu, that you are anything, that you are just.. I don’t know… atheist, that I connect with nature, that is ALSO GOD. Yes, then what you feel divine vibrations and it gives you a certainty that there is a greater power that sustains your breath and the life that you are, okay? THAT IS DIVINE and IT IS VALID, do you understand my love? So, you can be a Jehovah's Witness, you can be an Adventist, you can be a Presbyterian, you can be a Catholic, you can be a Jew, even a non-Messianic Jew, you can be anything, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, whatever you want to be, whatever resonates with you, with your current mental and physical form, but that this path that you feel you are following, does not trap you in illusion anymore, that it does not restrict you anymore, that it makes you empty yourself of dialogue and of beliefs that encapsulate you more, because if the path leads to more judgment towards you and others, that is definitely NOT the way, if it is to encapsulate you more, that is not the way, any path that tries to encapsulate you more and fill you with more judgment towards yourself and others, definitely that is not the way? So keep that in mind.