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El Verdadero A-MOR

Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa Season 1 Episode 21

Mataji, Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa nos habla del significado del Verdadero A-MOR romántico, destacando que para poder contemplarlo, debemos primero: "alejarnos" de las proyecciones que la sociedad nos impone acerca de esta temática, que tanto conflicto y  "desilusión" nos genera. 

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My love, so it is like that: when you talk about real romantic love, not the one that is imposed by society,  a "party" or a person who wants to marry the enchanted prince and projects that on a person and then gets disappointed, or the man who wants to marry the mother of his children or the supposed ideal mother for his children, and then that falls apart, it's like when you can get away from those projections that society impregnates you. For example, it's like there's only the male and female, and the Love of male and female begins with a chemical attraction that occurs naturally, then the coexistence and permanence of that relationship, survival, will depend on the mind of each one, on the axes to which each one is sustained, if they are compatible, of the perceptions that they have and all those things... and then Love is sustained in all those compatible things.
So when someone loves a conflict being, it is something created by the mind and imposed by the mind for loving its own projection, it has nothing to do with real love, with love-love, the love that loves without trying to possess.