TATri Vidya ®

Comprendiendo los celos

Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa Season 1 Episode 16

Mataji, Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa nos explica las características de las personas que suelen ser "celosas". 

Nos transmite cómo podemos observar esa sensación y transitarla de forma justa con nosotros mismos y la persona "celada", considerando el sentir, sin negarlo, sino expresándolo de manera justa, para no terminar cayendo en lo que nos transmite como: "la profecía autocumplida" que es lo que suele suceder con las personas que transitan por este tipo de sensación y que sufren las consecuencias, incluso endo-químicas, de sentirse así. 

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In general, those who are very jealous, are people that are very afraid of losing their affections, or being displaced by them, that's what happens that generates jealousy, okay? Or a person who has been very careless when he was young and when he grows up he has a lot of need to take care of loved ones and anyone who gets close to those loved ones is a THREAT, not only because the person is afraid of being displaced, but also because they are afraid that something will happen to that being, ok? But that you humanly feel it, that is normal and natural that it happens, that you are jealous of a person to take care of him, but when you try to possess the other, taking his breath away, not giving him space to BE, or generating internal conflicts or external complicating the passage or even yourself as the being that is trying to jealousy the other? That is not productive for anyone. 
And… you have to be attentive to the issue of jealousy, because you can feel jealousy, but you cannot impose your reality on the jealous Being, do you understand? Because the egoic possession there is not only in what you feel, but in what you manifest about the other's life, so what needs to be done? When you feel jealous, when you feel that feeling of jealousy, it's: STOP, take a deep breath, cause IT'S NOT about not talking, eh! Understand? I try to work with my breathing, with observation, where that feeling of jealousy comes from and then, if the person in front of me is worthy of the love I feel, they will be open to hearing at least that phrase: "I I don't want to feel it, but I feel jealousy", and not, for example, being poisoned and acting like an intrigue, or making a fight in the environment, out of jealousy, for example. But the other way around is: recognize that this feeling is in you, beyond the other, and express it with the right person, that is, with the person you love, be it a child, be it a partner, be it a friend, do you understand? 
That is to say: “look: so and so, I know it's not right but I feel jealous, I'm trying to observe myself, to work on it, but I'm jealous, I don't know what's going on, I don't know if it's because I'm afraid something will happen to you, I don't know if it's because I'm afraid that person will hurt you, or I'm projecting, or I don't know, or I'm afraid of losing your affection", but BE SINCERE, later, if the other can elaborate that expression of yours, observe yourself, put yourself in the other's place If someone tells you that, don't you feel more worthy? Let the other tell you clearly, right?  "Look, I feel bad, I feel jealous, I'm going to try to observe it, I'm going to try to work on it, I'm going to try not to make it grow on me" or if there is something that has happened that has generated a greater feeling of inferiority, or displacement, whatever it is, is: TALK, listen to the WHY of the other, because sometimes the other has a Why that is not clear to your mind and if you do not open yourself to listen to it, you will not know it. 
No one is forced to deduce what happens in the other, but there is a way to everything, one thing is: that you start to say a lot of shit as a fight, and unpleasant situations for the other, without the other having anything to do with what are you feeling, and the other is innocent, and you come with a lot of shit, put it on, do you understand? That IS UNFAIR, both with you and with the other, and what happens many times with people who have that feeling, is to act like a self-fulfilling prophecy, it's like; the other doesn't love me enough and I behave in a way that is disgusting and the other is going to stop loving you, or at least he won't want to have you around "put it on", because you're going to be like an infumable "put it on", it is understood?
So you have to observe yourself, not to end up generating in the other a rejection or a repudiation that you don't need to generate, do you mean? So it is: I recognize the emotion and I try to express it as I can, but first, if I have tools such as breathing, meditation, or the TATri VIDYA itself, or a philosophy that sustains you, read it, impregnate yourself with this, let yourself permeate and then let the chemical, endo-chemical revolutions that this sensation of jealousy generates in you, because jealousy, is as if it were a moment of Emergency when you feel it, do You understand? It's like a threat, it releases adrenaline, it releases a lot of endo-chemicals that is as if it were a threatening situation, and if you feed it that, you're going to feel very bad, and you can do things you don't want to do and then you repent, and there if you are going to generate in the other a rejection that the other did not initially have, the other was innocent.