TATri Vidya ®

La necesidad de convencer no es ser

Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa Season 1 Episode 18

Mataji, Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa nos habla de la importancia de ser ejemplo con nuestra propia vida, de comprender que más allá de si estamos en el camino más corto o más largo, todo es camino! Y solo debemos seguir caminándolo, considerando lo importante de no juzgarnos a nosotros mismos, ni a los demás, ni justificarnos ni justificar, sino ser justos! Y no mirar al costado para poder: caminar en paz.

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It is to be an example where you are, if the person sees you are doing good, if the person sees you happy, the person will want to know from what source you use to feel so good. Your life is the best way to reach the heart of any person, if you are on a path that is really good for you. And if you do not feel good on the path you are on, you have to observe, first you have to get your beliefs about the path, ok? Your own judgments, okay? And if that doesn't make you feel better, when you make your judgments, it's because the path is not for you at that moment at least. When we remove our beliefs from the path, we can realize if the path is really good or bad for us: what does that mean? If our pace slows down or our pace speeds up, in TATri there is no good or bad path, there is a shorter path and a longer path, but everything is a path, and even if you do not speed up your pace in this life, you will be able to do it in another one, but the most important thing is that you take this into account, that you do not judge yourself, you obviously do not have to justify anything about the others, just as you do not have to justify anything about yourself: you have to take charge of your steps, you have to be fair with yourself first, and then fair with the other, but that doesn't mean you have to judge yourself or judge, it's being fair! It's that little sound that I tell you about - that noise behind, that is from behind when you are looking to the side, it is that noise that is from behind when you are being unfair to yourself or to the other, when you do something that is not ok, that is not to be done, that you feel it was not supposed to be done, and you send it to yourself, you know you send it to yourself, and you look to the side, and there is a noise there like screaming, you hear. Do you understand my loves? So you have to observe that background noise to be able to continue to walk in peace at least internally, which does not guarantee peace outside! Remember, and more, when one begins an evident and conscious spiritual path, I say it because we are all on a spiritual path, we are embodied spirits, so whatever you are, even an atheist, you are living, in what is TATri your spirituality, individually, or collectively, okay? But when you begin to follow a spiritual path in a conscious and evident way, what does it mean? You know that you are on a path that you chose voluntarily and the environment notices that you are on that path, that is where more responsibilities begin, that is where more external conflicts begin, because many others who do not understand your step will try to judge or attack you, but what is there to do? Do you have to judge the other because he attacks you, do you have to judge the other for whatever the other sees in you? No! You have to keep walking, as long as the other one doesn't jump on you and doesn't attack you directly. Let them live their life.