TATri Vidya ®

Motivar de forma realista a los hijos

Season 1 Episode 15

Mataji,  Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa nos habla acerca de cómo los padres pueden acompañar y motivar a sus hijos de forma realista,  ayudándonos a comprender la importancia primordial de que ellos sepan que los padres estarán para acompañarlos siempre, además nos explica que ellos responderán según sus posibilidades, de acuerdo a su necesidad espiritual y posibilidad de elaborar las herramientas que se les entrega.

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Mamaji, telling our children: ‘You can do anything you set your mind to do!” - is it a spiritual rhetoric?’

My love: it's like that, more than telling them that you are going to achieve what you set to do, better is to say: "you have the necessary tools to do what you have to do in your life", do you understand? ‘And what you don't have, me as your father or your mother, I'm going to help you to do it, (when they're kids), and I'm going to be there for whatever you need always’, for example, okay?

But then, how he is going to use those tools that he acquires from his parents, from his family nucleus and from his own spiritual history at the karmic, individual level and whatever, that is going to depend on how he is going to respond to all that internal and external influence, how he is going to elaborate the current experience and everything that he has of sanskara as well, which was what I was talking about with Mahadevi a little while ago, I mean, sometimes that phrase puts a lot of pressure on the mind, and is part of of "toxic positivism" which is a positivism that burdens you the most, that relieves you, remember that I Mataji, I am neither positivist nor negativist, I am realist, within all spirituality, of how magical it is to live in me reality, and what I can contemplate, but I am a realist. We must say to the Being, even more so that it is in our charge, as a father or as a mother, whatever it is, the reality within its possibilities of what you contemplate , obviously you don't have to throw him down, but YES you have to make him clear, that I think YES, he is going to be able to do everything he has to do on his way, everything that the Divinity that lives him needs him to do, he has recourse to execute it, and not what his mind believes, and what his mind believes, he will do what is necessary for his spirit, and what he does not have or what he feels he cannot reach, parents or the environment, as long as he is minor and not autonomous, is there to accompany him, obviously also within their individual possibilities, but at least in practice that should be like this, for the mind of the others, and in fact it is like going further, beyond whether or not they think they have resources, but sometimes, whoever receives it, does not have enough discernment or experience to understand what is being given to him, so he does not have the way to value it, yet.