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El camino para la trascendencia es: estar encarnado

Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa Season 1 Episode 14

Mataji Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa nos habla acerca de cuál es el camino para la trascendencia, del rol clave que nuestra naturaleza humana tiene en este proceso y de la importancia de ser conscientes que: aquí y ahora, estamos transitando una dualidad como seres espirituales encarnados en una realidad humana, que describe como perfecta y limitada. 

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Mataji: We are all perfect humans, just as we are in this present moment here and now, we are already perfect for the spirit that chooses us as a path, for the transcendence of this illusion. So what is it that we lack? Is to embrace that perfect human nature with all the differences and particularities, with all the beliefs of difficulties, of human defects, sacred, what is it that makes us different, ok? What is a defect for our limited mind , but for the spirit that inhabits us as a path to transcendence it is perfect. So… a person asks me: Mataji: what is the path to transcendence? And I always tell them: my love, it is to be incarnated. And how to be more spiritual? And I tell them: how not to be? If we are a spirit, if we are the divinity itself, choosing to be incarnated to transcend that illusion, we are all perfect humans, then the spiritualists come and say: but the spirit is perfect, the spirit does not need anything, the spirit has nothing to transcend, or purify, is that true? Yes, it is true, it is the same as when a person says that we are all one, is that true? Yes, it is true, but where are we all one? And where the spirit does not need anything, huh? Where can we affirm that the spirit does not need anything, and where can we affirm that we are all one? It is transcendence, but where are we now? Where are we? We are going through a duality as spiritual beings embodied in a limited human reality, but perfect for what he proposes.