TATri Vidya ®

La telepatía: cualquiera puede hacerlo!

Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa Season 1 Episode 9

Mataji Paramahansa Sadhvi Tridevi Maa®️ nos explica acerca de la telepatía,  qué es realmente, cómo podemos trabajarla de manera consciente, la importancia de vaciarnos de juicio y tener en claro nuestras necesidades y de ocuparnos del momento presente, en vez de pre-ocuparnos.

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Telepathy: telepathy is very interesting, Mataji, is that possible? YES, it is possible, and it occurs naturally, and it has to do with psychic vibration, okay? It is NOT related to the third eye specifically, you can have and practice activated telepathy, even unconsciously, it is about connection and the information that is sent consciously or unconsciously to the etheric field that is the product of all the minds on the planet. Has it ever happened to you that you thought of someone and that someone called? Or that you were walking down the street and out of nowhere someone crossed your mind and when you look ahead, that someone is in front of you? That is telepathic capture, what is said telepathy, but what is the information that is taken from there? It is that of the ethereal field, I often communicate with my devotees and I need to talk about it or do something unattainable or oh, someone lived their whole life and developed telepathy telepathy a, NO!, ANYONE CAN DO TELEPATHY, is that understood? Anyone is suitable, and we experience it more in practice, all of us, only: what is there to work on there? THE CONSCIOUSNESS of this, NOTHING ELSE, the consciousness of this!

  Mamaji, BUT HOW CAN this work? LOWERING judgment, lowering dialogue, being clear about needs, not polluting your energy field with so many unnecessary thoughts, not allowing things you don't really need to think about to stay in your mind, not allowing yourself to see things you don't need to see, hear things you don't you need to listen, a lot of things, and more, among my devotees if you or some of you are very close devotees, how many times have close devotees done things that I needed them to do and out of nowhere when they do it or when they see me talking they say: but Guruji I was thinking about that, Guruji but I did that, I had just done that, but why did they do it before I said? Because they were able to bring something I wanted without me saying or to give me something I needed without me asking or telling them — that is telepathy, conscious or unconscious, but it is telepathy, so what does it mean? Are things that people say: "Launch into the cosmos" right? "Surrender to the COSMOS", "VIBE"!, IS THAT!, LIVE!, Is it that you are clear about your need? But that  DOES NOT CONDITION your state of mind, that you are not anxious for the response of what you feel you need, it is like you trust that what has to happen will happen and if YOUR belief of need is harmonized with the need and the longing of your incarnated spirit, you will receive exactly what you are needing inside and outside, but whatever you receive, whether your mind likes it or not, it will always be perfect for your evolutionary process, ALWAYS ! No matter how much the mind refuses to accept it, no matter how much the mind sees it as something painful, annoying or pleasant, comfortable or not comfortable, or beautiful or ugly, it doesn't matter, but you will always receive what is really enough for your process. No matter what, give him my loves?

  So, to work on what telepathy is in itself, It is ALREADY DONE TO YOU, only you are not aware, so you have to empty of judgment, be clear about what it is that you intend to do and walk and empty yourself of information that generates doubts and all the certainty that you can VIBRATE, that goes to the ethereal plane and everything will be ordered and who is able to receive or who has to be part of this, that you have to go down or that you have to specify, these people or those means are going to be ordered and you are going to be able to achieve what you need, is that understood?

Later I have a testimony: which is interesting, I am not able to say now, I am going to announce later, but for example today I was trying to humanely solve something, so I emptied myself and said: "whatever put me here takes care of of me", so why am I going to worry? If all I have to do is take care of it, take care of what? of this present moment, then since when I deal with this present moment, everything that comes will be the product of what I am planting now, do you understand my love? It is like BEING FREE HERE AND NOW BEING RESPONSIBLE for the consequences of your actions, from the present moment to the future, then you better think and act on your actions here and now, so that you are RESPONSIBLE for the product of the same in the future, you understand? Nothing else.